ELECTRIC PE cheating app

please do not use this app they are cheating people don’t get in to trap of subscription plan. with out informing you they suddenly change the plans. When I was taking the plan it’s showing 50units free after taking the subscription plan now they changed to 50%off to your bill


yes full on fraud they r doing even I also raised ticket for the same but nothing works . additionally Noone in the market takes 30 percent as platform fee

yeah they changed it and not worth buying that plan

I hate the way ElectricPe cheats customers. Abrupt change in plans, high platform charges, illogical billing and what not. They are taking customers for a ride. I hate using their charging stations. I use them only when I find no other option.

Dear Customer,
We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you while using our platform. We’ve noted your concerns and are actively working to improve your experience with ElectricPe. You can connect with our support number 8147060222 for all your queries or reach out to us at support@electricpe.com.